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Nutritional Importance of Calcium for Seniors

Nutritional Importance of Calcium for Seniors Calcium is a vital nutrient for the human body. It is critical in maintaining strong bones and supporting various bodily functions. As people age, their bodies become less efficient at absorbing calcium, making it even more vital for seniors to ensure they get enough of this mineral through their […]

Renal-Friendly Diet Plan for Kidney Disease Patients

Renal-Friendly Diet Plan for Kidney Disease Patients Be mindful of your food and beverage choices to maintain good health while living with chronic kidney disease (CKD). Due to the kidneys’ impaired ability to eliminate waste and fluid from the body, adhering to a renal-friendly diet that supports kidney function is vital for prolonging the overall […]

Pureed Diet for Patients with Dysphagia

Pureed Diet for Patients with Dysphagia Pureed and mechanical soft diets are specially designed eating plans for individuals who have difficulty chewing or swallowing food. It can be due to medical conditions such as dysphagia, which affects the mouth, throat, and esophagus. Consuming regular food can lead to choking, gagging, and other unpleasant symptoms for […]

Nutritional Fall Prevention

Nutritional Fall Prevention: Tips to Protect You and Your Loved Ones The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention stated that millions of older Americans experience fall yearly. Although not all falls result in injuries, the consequences can be significant. One in five falls outcomes in a serious injury like a broken bone, fracture, severe pain, […]

Understanding A Stroke_ Causes and Warning Signs

Understanding A Stroke: Causes and Warning Signs A stroke happens when the brain is deprived of oxygen due to a lack of blood supply. According to data from trusted sources, 800,000 Americans are thought to experience a stroke each year, making it the fifth most common cause of death in the country. That works out […]

Sodium-Controlled and Low in Fat Heart-Friendly Foods

Sodium-Controlled and Low in Fat Heart-Friendly Foods Adopting a heart-healthy diet can be challenging, especially if you have established unhealthy eating habits. A low-fat and sodium diet is crucial for maintaining a healthy heart. This article explores foods that are low in fat and sodium and are packed with essential nutrients that promote cardiovascular health. […]


During National Alzheimer’s Disease Awareness Month, we honor and support the millions of brave Americans who have been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, along with the selfless family members and caregivers who stand by their sides throughout the long course of this heartbreaking disease.      Alzheimer’s is common and especially cruel, robbing people of their memories, thoughts, and […]


FDA Opens New Path for Alzheimer’s Treatments Anna Edney, Michelle Fay Cortez and Robert Langreth ‎February‎ ‎15‎, ‎2018‎ ‎9‎:‎43‎ ‎AM Updated on ‎February‎ ‎15‎, ‎2018‎ ‎1‎:‎29‎ ‎PM ·        Researchers haven’t settled on cause, target of disease ·        Draft guidance comes after Merck failure, years of others U.S. drug regulators wants to let drugmakers test Alzheimer’s disease treatments on patients years before the disease shows outward signs, […]